Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Next President of Students' Council Campaign

Good morning, friends! I am Antonia form XI Science 1. Today, I would like to give my campaign as a candidate of the student council. First, I’ll tell you what a student council is. Student council is an internal organization which connects the students with the school itself. It is a place for all students’ aspiration and complaint so all of it will be informed to the school staffs as a suggestion for the school’s development.

So, why does the students’ council need a good president? As you know, a leader is someone who navigates its member to reach their goal. They need to have a certain vision and mission to reach their goal. For me, my vision as a president of the students’ council is to make the students in SMA 3 developed not only in their academic & non-academic fields, but also to develop the students’ character & personalities. Why? Because we all know that in the real life now, the companies aren’t looking just for smart applicant, but also people with good character. My mission to reach that goal is to make the character education as a priority in the school’s program so that the students will consider this as an important issue.

I have two main programs as my plan. The first program is to make student counseling as a weekly subject in the school’s schedule. Why? Because I think the easiest way to analyze and develop the students’ character is by counseling. Nowadays, students rarely go to the counselor because some of them don’t consider it as an important matter. By making this school’s subject, the school can maintain their students’ behavior and character more easily.

My second program is to make a social event for the students such as charity concert. Aside from developing the humanity and care for the students, these events would also help the people around us.

No organization can reach their purpose without the participation and teamwork from its entire member. The leader itself couldn’t do much without the members. Whoever gets chosen as the president of students’ council needs all of the elements to be cooperative. So, all components must come together as one and participate with all their capabilities. This way, I believe that the organization purpose can be reached. If I got elected as the president of the students’ council, you can make sure that I would give my all to work as good as possible as the president of the students’ council. 

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